

Body Design Dance Practice


Advanced Training

Taught by

Vincenzo De Rosa


Body Design Dance Practice Manifesto:

Articolo 1.

BD is exploring and transmitting mathematical and scientific knowledge of the body in movement, trough efficient imaginative processes and living body experience ( SOMATIC ): Functional and Experiential.

Articolo 2.

BD want to create a multidimensional space, in which different levels of realities are coherently coexisting, within the emerging of new data given from their exchange, creating an intellectual space in which different areas of knowledge collaborate and unify different levels of Realities, it allows emergence of new data and new interactions from the encounter between disciplines: Transdisciplinary

Articolo 3.

BD wants to explore the new data being new rules, new logics and so new specific terminology, obtained by the Transdisciplinary encounter of the different disciplines and field proposed from within and through the practice its self.

Articolo 4.

BD is supporting the Holism theory, by considering the body as a psychosomatic network where emotions, mind and consciousness are all connected, overcoming the fragmentation between body and mind and by promoting new healing and growth techniques.

Articolo 5.

BD is aiming to establish and propose through art, new visions about human existence, based on Self-Directed Evolution able to strengthen and develop a deeper self-knowledge.

Articolo 6.

BDDP wants to provide a multidimensional space in which the focus of Training, Healing, Self-Development are equalized on the same level, by creating a interdependent network in which disciplines feed each other leading to: production of headspace, enhancing the flow of thoughts, breaking filters, unlocking the body, triggering emotional releases, finding inner hidden spaces, awakening of the senses and discovering new senses

Articolo 7.

BDDP wants to be establish an outcome of New Art and New Dance Form, strongly related to the living community. Although the form and aesthetic of dance keeps changing in time, what remains is the primary value being the necessity to create not just dance, but an art form that is able to connect with society. In order to preserve this value, we should think about how to give dance a new understanding and social recognition in relation to the historic period in which we are.

Articolo 8.

BDDP want to find method able to incorporate, preserve and transmit the knowledge produced from the artistic practice being: Innovative Body language, Effective Mechanic tools, New Movement Approaches, Self-directed Evolution. The practice its self want to provide to the formation and training of Self-Sufficient and Artistically-Independent workers, able to develop skills such as Self-learning through the research and introduction of creative Tools and specific Terminology.

Articolo 9.

BDDP  wants to explore the “unknown body” feeding the dancer’s needs and beyond being the raising of both physical and mental proficiency, the strengthening of their connections, the development of a higher level of self awareness in relation to space, people and time; the enhancement of cognitive function such as neuroplasticity and creativity, the prevention of stress-injuries phenomena and healing of psychosomatic-related disorders.

Further Workshop Description